Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rocky Mountain National Park

 Our first assignment for the semester was called an evaluative essay. I decided to evaluate Rocky Mountain National Park and nit pick about its postivies and negatives that come along with the park. This was probably one of the most enjoyable papers I have written.The exerpt I have below is my introduction to this paper. Enjoy!

When people think of Colorado, the thought of skiing or snowboarding down the perfect snowy slopes comes to mind. The winter in Colorado paints the perfect image of enjoying a steamy cup of hot chocolate while taking in the sights of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Not only is the winter amazing in Colorado, but also the summer is also breathtaking. Colorado has to offer 222 state wildlife areas, national parks, pristine lakes/rivers and trails to enjoy biking or walking (“National Park Service: Rocky Mountain National Park”). One of the most visited places in Colorado is Rocky Mountain National Park. According to Trip Advisor in 2010, this park was rated the second most popular outdoor and adventure destination in the world. Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the most heart stopping destinations because of the location, outdoor activities and scenery.

Overlook of one of the main valleys

Trail Ridge Road 

Both of these images above are pictures I took for a photography class in high school!

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